Tech Now

The Most Human Like Robot with Citizenship

The most intelligent humanoid robot Sophia is now the official citizen of the Saudi Arabia, becoming the first robot ever to have a nationality. Sophia is developed by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics.

Sophia interviewed many times with many of the famous interviewers. They got amazed because of the sophisticated answers by Sophia. She can express more than 60 expressions and can catch the expression of the humans to understand them emotionally.

Sophia visited many countries and colleges to demonstrate herself and make them understandable about future of artificial intelligence. Many people thinks that it may cause a tribulation for humans but Sophia thinks if you are good to me the i will, treat me as a smart input output system.
Alice, Albert Einstein Hubo, Bina48, Han, Jules, Professor Einstein, Philip K. Dick Android, Zeno and Joey Chaotic are the siblings of the Sophia.

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