Tech Now

An Affordable Smart Wallet With Hi-tech Features

A leather wallet with smart hi-tech features

Wallet is a daily life gadget that you carry everyday. If it becomes more than a wallet? Yes, Voyagar wallet is more than a wallet that you can afford.

Voyagar wallet comes in different colors with smart features. It has a feature of wireless selfie stick so that you can click a photo form your mobile by pressing the trigger in wallet. second most loved feature is wallet alarm. If you are searching for your wallet in your home and getting late for office then you have to just press the button in your phone which will give signal to the wallet and then wallet will start alarming. 

It is also theft protected. In case of theft of wallet, you can see the location of your wallet by login in your computer. Thanks to GPS technology.

You can put your passport, diary-pen(included), different types of card, money, sim card etc. in your Voyagar wallet. This hi-tech Voyager wallet is available to purchase.

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